At Direction Psychology, we offer a wide range of formal psychological assessments for children, teenagers and adults.
Children from the age of 6yr of age can access assessment for ADHD and children from age of 5 yrs can access assessment in Autism.
Assessments can help to determine the right kind of support an individual may benefit from and point parents in the right direction regardless of meeting diagnostic criteria or not. We also provide recommendations to improve/support areas of development, at home and especially for classroom support.
Relaxed and non-pressured psychological testing for all ages
Our approach to testing includes creating a relaxed and non-pressured testing environment for your child; applying standardised evidence-based tests; reporting on the results of testing and recommendations; and discussing and interpreting test results for parents and schools as required. Assessments completed in the public sector or school psychologist can often mean wait times of up to 12 months. We can start the assessment process within a few weeks.

Assessment types
We provide assessments for children and adults using a range of industry approved diagnostic tools. Our psychologists can complete individual assessments including:
Vocational assessments, Intellectual disability and IQ.
Cognitive Abilities / IQ Assessment
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC-V) is a comprehensive clinical instrument for assessing the cognitive ability/intelligence of children aged 6 years 0 months to 16 years 11 months. The results of cognitive abilities or IQ assessments can provide information that can assist to develop individualised learning plans for your child.

Where do you offer assessments?
Our psychologists offer assessments at our main Direction Psychology clinic in Joondalup as well as at our Cockburn Central locations.
Do I need to book ahead?
It is essential to book ahead for individual assessments, which may require a longer appointment time. We usually recommend that you book in for an initial session with one of our Psychologists to determine the specific assessment requirements, and they will then outline the schedule of testing.
Can I book with any Psychologist?
No, only some of our Psychologists complete the above assessments. Please select assessment when completing the booking form, and our reception team contact you to facilitate the appropriate Psychologist to complete this testing.
Referrals and Rebates
Unfortunately, assessment sessions are not currently covered by Medicare. There may be several sessions that do attract the rebate, such as the initial interview and any feedback sessions or subsequent therapy sessions after the assessment has been completed. Your Psychologist can give you a schedule of the required sessions, fees, and potential rebates for the assessment once you book in.
How to book
You may book to see a psychologist for an individual assessment with or without a referral. Simple compete our online booking request or call us on 1300 322 068 to book your assessment. Alternatively, referrers may refer a patient for individual assessment.